Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I spent Friday evening sat on the floor with James at the Permanent Gallery, listening to people reading out tales and poems. There is something very comforting about sitting on the floor with a friend, especially when listening to stories. It took me back to some of my first days at school, when my classmates and I would sit on the once thick pile carpet in front of the window and take it in turns to read out sections of "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe". Elizabeth, who's surname I can't remember, had a voice so soft and calm that on hearing it all I wanted to do was curl up like a kitten and purr myself to sleep.

Stories over for the evening, we headed off down Western Road. That was the end to peace and tranquility and back to the sharp reality of Friday night. I shall go to more storytelling though, and am really looking forward to hearing James' next amusing banana related tale.

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