Tuesday, October 25, 2005

the joys of helpfulness

I did manage to get the majority of my present shopping done on Saturday. I took a leisurely wander around the Lanes, which was surprisingly empty for the weekend, looking through windows and choosing presents and finding the whole shopping experience remarkably relaxing.

Normally I hate shopping and try to do it as quickly and efficiently as I possibly can, I hate the endless traipsing around, fighting to get clothes back on hangers and generally getting frustrated. This trip was different, and I suspect the cause was quite simple really. At the first shop I went into,
Crabtree & Evelyn, the shop assistant came up to me and asked me if I'd like some help. It was a good start, I find shop assistants normally stand around talking to each other, before whipping away your credit card, taking your money and handing you back your new purchase without even meeting your eye. Not in this shop.

She then proceeded to take me around the shop, talking me through every variation of the things I was interested in, opening jars, wafting scents under my nose and generally answering my every point and "what about that one?". This left me feeling that, not only had I managed to choose a present, but also that I'd taken an informed look at virtually everything in the shop without having to even think. Amazing!

Whilst she took my new purchases to gift wrap then for me, Shop Assistant Number Two, came along and asked if I'd like to have my hands pampered whilst I waited. Of course! So there I stand, being exfoliated and hand creamed up, all ready for my lovely little blue bag of presents. Out I went into the sunshine, feeling as if shopping were, for once, something relaxing and enjoyable.

Thank you Shop Assistants, you made my day!

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